Friday, May 14, 2004

This week most of my nature observations are vicarious in nature.

Several of our personnel had to go to the far south for a site visit. One of our captains had to fly back by helicopter, our preferred mode of travel. Much safer than driving these days.

To avoid being a target from ground fire they fly less than 100 feet off the ground. You are closer, but you are a target for only a split second as you zip overhead.

On the way the helicopter hit a bird. The bird travelled through one of the windows near the pilot's feet and into the helicopter.

When they landed the pilot told everyone that he had a little problem with the Iraqi airforce during the flight.

Everyone took pictures. The bird was a male pin-tailed sandgrouse. I'd like to see one alive, maybe later this year.

Also at the same camp in the south there is basically a huge stinking cesspool in the middle of camp. Apparently it is not devoid of life as our Battalion Commander found several 3 to 4 inch giant waterbugs in the sink. They must have been attracted to the light.

Busted Eye 1

Dead bird

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